P.L Qualcomm Flashing Tool 2024

 P.L Qualcomm Flashing Tool 2024

P.L Qualcomm Flashing Tool

In this tutorial, I'll be explaining how to flash a Qualcomm Android device using Qualcomm Flash Image Loader or QFIL. In order to use QFIL, you need to have installed QPST. You also need to have installed your Qualcomm USB drivers. We have a guide on how to do that and of course you need to have the firmware which you intend to flash usually in this format.

Now, for this particular device, to boot into EDL, I power off the device still with battery inside, hold both volume buttons then connect it to the PC via the USB cord. Alright! So that changes No Port Available to Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader. Now, the next thing you'll want to do is to load the firmware which you intend to flash.
The firmware I have here is a Flat Build so under the Select Build Type, I select Flat Build then I click on Browse. Now, in this Window that opens, what you'll want to do is to navigate to the location where you have the firmware folder and then you open that and select the loader file. its usually in this format and then click on Open. The next thing you'll want to do is to click on Load XML.

Still in the firmware folder, you select the raw program file and then click on Open and then another Window will automatically open. You select the patch() file and then click on Open. Alright! So everything we need to do is in place so the next thing you'll want to do is (still with the phone connected) you click on Download and that should start the flashing process.
Now, to be sure that flashing has begun, you are going to have a blue bar loading. That is confirmation that we have flash in progress okay? Great! So we have the blue bar loading right there so it's very important you do not interrupt the process because if you interrupt the process that is going to cause your Qualcomm Android device to get bricked and then if you are lucky, you'll be able to revive it by retrying to flash it using QFIL and if you are unlucky, you have to find a way to get the bootloader for your particular device, flash the bootloader first before you talk about flashing.

the firmware and that could be a very tedious process so to just avoid going through that headache, do not interrupt this process okay? Just sit back and QFIL do its thing. So I'm at 7.21% okay 23.47% now Okay, so we are 83.83% and flashing should be completing any moment from
now still have to be patient, do not interrupt the process. Okay, flashing is rounding up right now. I should get a confirmation message anytime soon showing that flash was indeed complete and successful Alright! Download Success. I have it right here Finished download so you can disconnect the device and power it up.
If you get an error message asking you to reset the encryption data or encryption unsuccessful just reset the phone and that should make it boot up normally. So that's how to flash a Qualcomm Android device using Qualcomm Flash Image Loader or QFIL

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How to use QFIL to flash Qualcomm (QLM) firmware /P.L Qualcomm Flashing Tool

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